Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is a challenge to any and all computer hackers, wizards, geeks
and guru's out there. Below is a link to a LATEX file that was
corrupted by Time Machine. I have an entire hard drive full of files
just like this. If you can decrypt the mess that this file is, I am
offering a $100 reward (assuming the decryption allows me to decrypt
other files on my computer as well) Hey, its not much money, but i'm
a grad student so what can you expect?

Good luck!

Tex File

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Q. How do you delete a whole column of a matrix in Matlab?

A. Use empty brackets!  i.e

A =[1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9]

A(2, :) = []

A=[1 2 3 ; 7 8 9]

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Q. What is the equivalent of the Matlab Eval command in Igor Pro?

A.  The simple answer is $  but for more information you nned to see Chapter 1 in the Programming and Reference guide.  section III-16 under Strings, String Expressions, Strings in Text Waves.  


String Str1 = "Today_is_" + date()
Make $Str1

Monday, January 28, 2008

Q. How do you put an inline reference number into a Latex document?

"For example in reference # you can see that..."  
The problem is that Latex normally uses superscripts everytime you use the \cite command.  

A.  So instead you need to use the \citenum command

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Q. How to create a Graph Style in igor

For journal papers and thesis' it's there is a cumbersome number of graphs that need to be created.  It would be nice to have a style macro that allows you to save a style and then reapply.  

A. In igor, It's not that difficult actually.  Once you have a graph that you want, you simply click on Windows/Control/Window Control  where you can create a style macro.  Search for 'Example of Creating a Style Macro' in the igor help file for more information.